Acupuncture Initial
Acupuncture Initial
Initial Acupuncture consultation and treatment
Service Description
Your first Acupuncture session with Jasmine. Including a comprehensive Traditional Chinese Medicine consultation, diagnosis and treatment. Jasmine utilises a multitude of TCM treatment methods, including Acupuncture, Cupping Therapy, Gua Sha, Moxibustion and diet and lifestyle advice to suit your individual needs. Claim rebates with your health fund if you have Acupuncture on your policy. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine, sterile, single-use needles into specific points on the body. These points carefully selected by the practitioner lie on a network of channels (meridians) on the body, which connect all parts of the body, encouraging the body to heal itself. The consultation allows the practitioner to see the whole picture of your health. An observation of your tongue and the pulse on both of your wrists will also be felt to aid diagnosis. Acupuncture is great for general well-being and relaxation, disease management and prevention. Book in for Acupuncture in a peaceful Mount Nasura setting.
Cancellation Policy
Please give at least 24 hours notice for a reschedule or cancellation. To better serve you please do not bring any pets with you to your session or very young children. Thank you for your understanding.
Contact Details
Mount Nasura WA, Australia